Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Blog Post #3

"Picky Patty!"

To be an excellent writer, you must be an excellent critic! Anyone can critic a paper, it takes a polite,specific, and knowledgeable peer editor to help a classmate. The better you know as a writer, the better you can help someone else with their writing. 

There are a few steps to always follow when trying to help out another writer: stay positive, be specific, and compliment! Without a positive attitude and a helpful hand, peer editing can be a little tricky. As long as you follow these three simple rules, you can't lose!

"The Struggles of Special Needs Students"

The blind, deaf, and other special needs students we will have to face in the future need different types of help than others. Thankfully, our ever changing technological world has allowed these children to learn in even better ways! There have been multiple typewriters, vocal computers/nooks, and even the Ipad has developed a vocal pad for the blind.

It is important for us, as uprising educators, to be prepared and knowledgeable about our new and changing technology. As teachers, we must be ready to interact with any and every student no matter what needs we must meet. It's amazing we now have the technology to accommodate for students who can't understand certain lessons without the help of vocal computers and books.

In my classroom I intend to have my own personal vocal Ipad, considering they are the only company to offer this element, just for the students that need a little extra help. As a student and future educator I am aware that funding for schools can be harsh, so I want to be prepared the best way I can.

"Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

It's amazing to see that teachers, especially Vicky Davis, around the world have been adapting the way they teach and harnessing the way technology can help students. We as a world and as a nation can help one-another to learn and open our minds to brand new ideas. Blogging and collaborating with peers can help a student become more interested and have fun while actually soaking in the information being put out.

When I'm teaching my students, I can only hope to know how to create mindful students. Using technology I hope to create students that think for themselves and become more aware of their surroundings.

1 comment:

  1. " uprising educators,..." I hope you are committed change agents but I bet you really meant rising rather than uprising!

