Lee Kolbert: A Geeky Mommas Blog
Lee Kolbert explains her thoughts on bullying in the work place in her blog entitled "Bullying: Not Just For Children Anymore". Her blog is extremely interesting. Within it, there is a video or a prank where a man is being killed in an elevator, others walk up on the scene. The prank is to study human behavior, basically, they producers want to see what bystanders will do. Will they help? Walk away? Call someone? Her blog informs me and holds links to many other articles explains the statistics or these results. For some unknown reason, people are less likely to do something heroic (aka help) when others are around. The more people around, the less likely someone in that crowd is to act given a certain situation. I don't know what I would do , but there is no way I could watch, take a picture or run away from walking up on someone being killed. I can't be sure exactly what I would do, but I'm certain my instincts would not lead me to run away and allow the murder or careless act to take place.
Less's blog contains many quotes about workplace bullying, all very enlightening. She defines workplace bullying and gives advice and an outreach service to those who may be being bullied at their job. I'm glad to see these issues are being discussed and thought about. Her blog was beyond eye opening!
Lee Kolbert had not posted anything since I last commented on her bullying blog so I scrolled down to see what else she had been writing about. Her other blog entitled "Why I'm Celebrating National Grammar Day and Why You Should, Too caught my eye. I am so glad to see she tackled the your/you're issue. In her blog, she exclaimed the need for good grammar. She had a list of all the does and don'ts which also included the words some people have an issue with. I am a grammar freak and it really bothers me when people do not know the difference between there, their, and they're. Grammar should NOT be an issue. With all the social networking and blogging out there today, people NEED to know the correct use of grammar. One misused word can teach the wrong child. If a child is looking at their teacher's blog and that blog has a your where there is supposed to be a you're that child is doomed. That child will forever think they should use your when you're is needed. National Grammar Day should be pushed as a holiday within the classrooms. It is the only way the make the grammar world right again!
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