Friday, April 12, 2013

Blog Post #12

The Idea
I'm interested to know the statistics of pros and cons of technology being integrated in the classroom. Kids have developed slang and words to replace some language. Text messaging is the main cause of this. How does this new slang affect kids in the classroom? There are many classrooms around the world that have taken in technology well before others have even considered it. What classrooms are the most advanced?

Whos's #1
I went to to find out. I have recently been using bing compared to google because I hear great things about it. I find that it sends several more websites my way I can use compared to The U.S News Compass had several things I could use. In fact, this website was the main source of research. In 2009 the U.S news surveyed schools and got 301 responses. There is a complete list of schools that made the cut. Sanford, FL was the #1 which I was surprised to see. People put down the south all too much on here we are coming out on top to be these most technical.

Texting? What's that?

Until the last several years, most teachers did not have a cell phone, use text messaging or know what social media even was. I remember when was the big thing! Now we have, Twitter, Tumblr, and several others. The way students are communicating with each other cannot be the same way they communicate with their teachers, bosses, ext. The new terms: IDK, BTW, BRB, OTW, and others are unknown to some in previous generations. Because of this, our generation has made a rapid decline in spelling efficiently, being able to send legible emails, or even writing papers correctly. In fact, my phone basically spells everything for me. If I didn't read so much and enjoy writing then grammar would probably be the least important thing on my list. Our generation is beginning to sound like robots. We use symbols for every single word we can. It's pathetic and lazy. I'm all for technology in the classroom, but everyone in this world is in such a rush to get connected these days they are forgetting the basics of education. Without the basics, like reading and writing and spelling CORRECTLY, we cannot expect to be efficient in other topics. We must learn to walk before we can run, and everyone around the world is trying for a marathon!

I recommend anyone reading my blog to check out the statistics in this article How Slang Affects the Classroom. Change IS necessary, I absolutely agree. But we cannot let language in social media integrate into the classroom. That is my main concern. I don't believe Twitter or Tumblr or any other social network is needed in the classroom for that simple fact.