Saturday, February 16, 2013

C4K Blog Comments for Feburary

C4K Assignment #1

Mr. Cometti's class from Fairhope wrote a small summary about what they learned from his WW1 slide show presentation. My student, McClean02, did great at understanding the overall pros and cons of the war. He/she knew all the stats: how many people were killed, the cities destroyed, family devastation, ext. I made sure to tell him/her what a great job he/she was doing and to keep up the great work. The summary contained many errors, of course, but overall it wasn't a terrible read. I made sure to inform him/her not to forget their commas!

C4K #2
Ms.Sapia's class or "Superstars" were assigned to write what seemed like a paragraph about the way they felt about homework. My student, Seth, explained his hate and love for homework. He said he likes homework when he's bored; however, when something happens and he can't get his homework done he feels bad. His father was put in the hospital and it caused him to miss out on completing his daily homework. Seth, on the other hand, is happy about his teacher's homework load. He says compared to some of the other classes or grades his teacher doesn't give out too much.
I supported Seth by telling him what a great job he was doing. I also told him not to feel so bad, because everyone hates homework. He had a problem with run-on sentences, though. I explained to him if he threw out a few of his extra words like 'because' he would be able to fix that problem.


My assignment this week was to look into Ms. King's 6th grade class Rm 17 at Pt England School. Hiwarau, the student I was assigned, summarized a story about 2 tribes fighting over a cherry seed. He did a great job with complete sentences, which I made sure to tell him, and a great job on his painting. If you click the link, you can see it for yourself. Honestly, it made me giggle (lol). His vocabulary was great to see since we have been reading younger grades so far. His summarization was pretty complete and he seemed to be doing well. I made sure to give him advice about starting his sentences with the word and but other than that he was great!

C4K #4

My assignment this week was Ms. Martin's 10th grade class at Baldwin County High. My student, Nicholas, and another student collarborated a video. This video was basically an interview in which they both asked each other simple questions like "how old are you", "where do you see yourself in the future", "how long have you lived in Baldwin County". They were both 16, which made this assignment a lot easier because I didn't have to correct him on much. He seemed a little awkward on camera, like most people, so I made sure to inform him to get used to it. Being on camera and creating videos are part of the future. I made sure to inform him that if he planned on being in college that he might as well get used to the camera. Technology is taking over and this is how most people will communicate in the future.

technology taking over

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